Hands-on Rust: Bracket-lib on Mac OS issue

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When running examples using Bracket-lib on Mac OS, I always get the following logged out to my terminal…
2020-11-19 15:56:29.649 dungeoncrawl[23603:3643367] NSKeyBindingManager: Bad key binding atom for '$\UF72B' = 'moveToEndOfLineAndModifySelection:'
2020-11-19 15:56:29.650 dungeoncrawl[23603:3643367] NSKeyBindingManager: Bad key binding atom for '$\UF729' = 'moveToBeginningOfLineAndModifySelection:'
2020-11-19 15:56:29.650 dungeoncrawl[23603:3643367] NSKeyBindingManager: Bad key binding atom for '\UF72B' = 'moveToEndOfLine:'
2020-11-19 15:56:29.650 dungeoncrawl[23603:3643367] NSKeyBindingManager: Bad key binding atom for '\UF729' = 'moveToBeginningOfLine:'
2020-11-19 15:56:29.650 dungeoncrawl[23603:3643367] NSKeyBindingManager: Bad key binding atom for '\UF72C' = 'pageUp:'
2020-11-19 15:56:29.650 dungeoncrawl[23603:3643367] NSKeyBindingManager: Bad key binding atom for '\UF72D' = 'pageDown:'
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