Kotlin and Android Development featuring Jetpack (Pragmatic Bookshelf)

Michael Fazio @mfazio23
edited by Michael Swaine @michaelswaine
With Kotlin and Jetpack, Android development is now smoother and more enjoyable than ever before. Dive right in by developing two complete Android apps.
With the first app, Penny Drop, you create a full game complete with random die rolls, customizable rules, and AI opponents. Build lightweight Fragment views with data binding, quickly and safely update data with ViewModel classes, and handle all app navigation in a single location. Use Kotlin with Android-specific Kotlin extensions to efficiently write null-safe code without all the normal boilerplate required for pre-Jetpack + Kotlin apps. Persist and retrieve data as full objects with the Room library, then display that data with ViewModels and list records in a RecyclerView.
Next, you create the official app for the Android Baseball League. It’s a fake league but a real app, where you use what you learn in with Penny Drop and build up from there. Navigate all over the app via a Navigation Drawer, including specific locations via Android App Links. Handle asynchronous and web service calls with Kotlin Coroutines, display that data smoothly with the Paging library, and send notifications to a user’s phone from your app.
Come build Android apps the modern way with Kotlin and Jetpack!
Michael Fazio is a software developer and tech speaker who fell in love with Android starting with the original Galaxy S phone. He’s been the Android lead for multiple billion-dollar companies and has seen the Android development process evolve from far too many Activities and a nigh unusable emulator to the actually enjoyable dev experience of Kotlin + Jetpack.
- Full details: Kotlin and Android Development featuring Jetpack: Build Better, Safer Android Apps by Michael Fazio
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