Genetic Algorithms in Elixir: Some feedback, a question and suggestion
@seanmor5 - This is a great book so far… I’m enjoying reading and coding along with it!
Quick question, though - since “evaluate” goes to the trouble of calling the “fitness_function” and generating an updated list of Chromosomes with the new calculated “fitness” values in the struct, instead of ending the function with this (where it has to call the “fitness_function” a bunch more times):
|> Enum.sort_by(fitness_function, &>=/2)
why not end it with this (in order to use these pre-calculated values)?
|> Enum.sort_by(& &, &>=/2)
Also, I’m kinda sad that you dismissed the tree-type genetic programming like John Koza did in the 60s and 70s (to generate electronic circuits and a whole bunch of other cool stuff), but that is a huge topic in itself. Also, I’m extremely interested in Gene Expression Programming invented by Dr. Candida Ferreira, but that is also tree-type.
Anyway, thanks for the great book, and I look forward to your updates!
– Glenn
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