I gave up my job as a house painter to become an app developer - this is my journey!
So I have enough money to last a year. Realistically I’m still going to have to work part time painting. I’m so done with it though!
I have bean playing with programming for 20 years or so and have never mastered any language. The difficultly has bean learning how to learn. Reading and taking notes doesn’t work. It doesn’t go in.
I’m excited to have discovered space repetition with flash cards. At last a system of learning that works! I have found that, for it to work I have to make it, make me get my hands dirty and to get stuck in. For example:
What does this do: %{numbers | one: “one”}
isn’t as powerful as :
Update the map numbers (below) so the element with key :one is “one”
numbers = %{one: 1, two: 2, three: 3}
I just want to briefly enplane how my brain seams different to others. Most of us have peripheral and a point of focus and with all the senses too. Imagine have to do all your studying and coding with just your peripheral! I think that’s how it is for me. There is a focus but it’s week. Add to this, I have very little working memory. I think I have a good CPU buy my ram is crap! It feels like a double layer of fuckedness: the week focus prevent information going in and once it’s in there almost no working memory to do anything with it!
It’s frustrating as I think i’m intelligent in other ways. My mind seems to be 3D and concurrent and I can look at things from may different angles at different points in space and time.
My next post will be about what I’m learning at the moment and my daily routine.
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