How do you keep fit and healthy?

@AstonJ prompted me to open this topic after I mentioned in the lockdown thread how I started to do a lot more for my fitness.
As mentioned there, I now run three times a week while listening to music and the ridiculously motivating Zombies, Run! audio-book/game (I can highly recommend that one).
After a recommendation from a friend, I also started to incorporate a bodyweight fitness routine into my week (also 3 times per week). I follow the “Recommended Routine” from To track my trainings and progress I use Fitloop (which was created by a member of /r/bodyweightfitness).
I try to do running and training on one day and have a rest day in between, e.g.:
- Monday: Running & BWF
- Tuesday: Rest
- Wednesday: Running & BWF
- Thursday: Rest
- Friday: Running
- Saturday: BWF
- Sunday: Rest
I’m considering to replace a single BWF session with a dance class I’m planning to take (choreography hip-hop). Maybe somebody else did/does something similar? I would be curious for your perspective!
If not: what do you do to stay fit and healthy?
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