Hands-on rust: warning when running with brackets_lib (chapter 3)
First of all, sorry for not providing a pagenumber, but I don’t know it, since I’m reading the book on Medium.
To my problem: I have been mainly using the debian dev environment on my Chrombook for the rust code in the book, And everything worked up till now, However, when I tried running this code: http://media.pragprog.com/titles/hwrust/code/FirstGameFlappyAscii/hello_bterm/src/main.rs I ran into a problem.
First I get this error: xkbcommon: ERROR: Key “” added to modifier map for multiple modifiers; Using Mod3, ignoring Lock
After that, the terminal window does open with the correct text rendered, but the title is not visible.
I cloned the exact same code in Windows 10 and there it works perfectly. It didn’t work in WSL2 at all, but I think that’s because I don’t have a X1 server installed.
Had anyone here made bracket_lib work on a Chromebook Crostini, and if so, how?
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