AssemblyScript - A language made for WebAssembly
Just discovered AssemblyScript (our portal is here).
It…“aims to make it easy to compile to WebAssembly using TypeScript, no strings attached.”
Designed for WebAssembly
AssemblyScript targets WebAssembly’s feature set specifically, giving developers low-level control over their code.
Familiar TypeScript syntax
Being a variant of TypeScript makes it easy to compile to WebAssembly without learning a new language.
Right at your fingertips
Integrates with the existing Web ecosystem - no heavy toolchains to set up. Simply
npm install
Looks really cool, and I love the little touch when clicking on the ship on their homepage
Check out the examples:
If I end up using TypeScript, then I think I will feel compelled to give this a go too.
What do you think about it? Anyone fancy learning TypeScript and AssemblyScript soon?
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