PragProg’s Medium Posts

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We have a thread about the keyboards we have, but what about nice keyboards we come across that we want? If you have seen any that look n...

There’s a whole world of custom keycaps out there that I didn’t know existed!
Check out all of our Keycaps threads here:

The reviews are coming in - if you spot any or have a review of your own, please add it :nerd_face:
@ohm will be pleased, they seem to b...

Inspired by this post from @Carter, which languages, frameworks or other tech or tools do you think is killing it right now? :upside_down...

Do the test and post your score :nerd_face:
If possible, please add info such as the keyboard you’re using, the layout (Qw...

Someone where use Doom Emacs right now? I like to starting this topic to discuss it and learn a little bit more, not just only the emacs ...

Continuing the discussion from Thinking about learning Crystal, let’s discuss - I was wondering which languages don’t GC - maybe we can c...

What shell(s) do you use, why do you use them, and how do you have them configured?
Note, this is about shell’s, not terminals, terminal...

Developing Godot Projects with Neovim.
When I started using Godot Engine, what surprised me the most is the built-in Language Server Pro...

API Gateway Trends behind Features: Apache APISIX 3.0 vs. Kong 3.0 -
By comparing the open-source API Gateway Apache APISIX and...
Other popular topics

I know that these benchmarks might not be the exact picture of real-world scenario, but still I expect a Rust web framework performing a ...

I’ve been hearing quite a lot of comments relating to the sound of a keyboard, with one of the most desirable of these called ‘thock’, he...

Rust is an exciting new programming language combining the power of C with memory safety, fearless concurrency, and productivity boosters...

Small essay with thoughts on macOS vs. Linux:
I know @Exadra37 is just waiting around the corner to scream at me “I TOLD YOU SO!!!” but I...

I am asking for any distro that only has the bare-bones to be able to get a shell in the server and then just install the packages as we ...

Learn different ways of writing concurrent code in Elixir and increase your application's performance, without sacrificing scalabilit...

Think Again 50% Off Sale »
The theme of this sale is new perspectives on familiar topics.
Enter coupon code ThinkAgain2021 at checkout t...

Author Spotlight: Karl Stolley (@karlstolley)
Logic! Rhetoric! Prag! Wow, what a combination. In this spotlight, we sit down with Kar...

I have always used antique keyboards like Cherry MX 1800 or Cherry MX 8100 and almost always have modified the switches in some way, like...

Author Spotlight: Tammy Coron (@Paradox927)
Gaming, and writing games in particular, is about passion, vision, experience, and immers...
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