A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms, Second Edition: "Count the Ones"-should not be O(N^2)? (page 102)

Can you please check the time complexity of “Count the Ones” on page 102? I got confused. It has 2 loops (outer and inner). Let’s say I have an array of arrays like below with 10 outer and 10 inner:
— code:
def count_ones(outer array):
count = 0
for inner_array in outer_array:
for number in inner_array:
if number == 1:
count += 1
return count
If I use the code from the book then it should run 10^2 = 100 steps, is not it?
Loop 1: 1st outer array with 10 inner array values
Loop 2: 2nd outer array with 10 inner array values
Loop 10: 10th outer array with 10 inner array values
10+10+10…+10 = 100
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