Functional Programming in Java, Second Edition: Functional Programming in Java, Second Edition: JUnit code improvements for Chapter 11, pages 187 ff “Refactoring For Each”

Nothing special here, same changes as formerly, but we are using people.isEmpty()
instead of people.size() == 0
for even better legibility.
package chapter11;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import java.util.Set;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
public class ForEachTest {
record Person(String name, int age) {
interface Agency {
boolean isChaperoneRequired(Set<Person> people);
static class AgencyBefore implements Agency {
public boolean isChaperoneRequired(Set<Person> people) {
boolean required = true;
if (people.isEmpty()) {
required = false;
} else {
for (var person : people) {
if (person.age() >= 18) {
required = false;
return required;
static class AgencyAfter implements Agency {
public boolean isChaperoneRequired(Set<Person> people) {
return !people.isEmpty() &&
.noneMatch(person -> person.age() >= 18);
private static void commonAgencyTests(Agency agency) {
() -> assertTrue(agency.isChaperoneRequired(
Set.of(new Person("Jake", 12)))),
() -> assertTrue(agency.isChaperoneRequired(
Set.of(new Person("Jake", 12), new Person("Pam", 14)))),
() -> assertTrue(agency.isChaperoneRequired(
Set.of(new Person("Shiv", 8),
new Person("Sam", 9), new Person("Jill", 11)))),
() -> assertFalse(agency.isChaperoneRequired(
Set.of(new Person("Jake", 12), new Person("Pam", 18)))),
() -> assertFalse(agency.isChaperoneRequired(Set.of()))
void agencyBefore() {
commonAgencyTests(new AgencyBefore());
void agencyAfter() {
commonAgencyTests(new AgencyAfter());
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