Agile Web Development with Rails 7: Reloading assets in development mode (solved)

Hi all,
currently I wonder how the Tailwind colours work (or don’t work).
For example, in app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
I have this:
<header class="bg-green-600">
and, yes, the header part is indeed green.
But when I change it to, for example
<header class="bg-sky-600">
and reload the page, the background is white. Why is that?
I assumed the examples from the Tailwind docs at, can be used elsewhere (read: my local app).
And while that’s true from some of the named colours, it is not for others.
‘bg-blue-700’ yields a strong blue, ‘bg-orange-500’ & ‘bg-fuchsia-600’ is white. A ‘one-off’ colour is also displayed white (or ignored?).
After running
bin/rails assets precompile
these colours are displayed in the browser.
What causes this behaviour? Can it be changed, to get all the colours Tailwind has in store (e.g. also the ‘one-off’ colours such as class="bg-[#50d71e]"
(also from the Tailwind docs)?
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