Advanced Hands-on Rust B2,0: Suggestion for code block on P120-121
Good afternoon!
On P120-121, you modify the code in flappy_dragon_base/src/, but don’t use the normal code block to display this in the book. This means there is no downloadable link for the modified file. There is also an issue with the code as it stands - the get_handle function needs two parameters, but on P121 there is only one used in each case. Of course you then tidy up the code with the addition of the Macro - this version on the following pages does have the code blocks shown in the normal fashion.
I think it would help with comprehension of the macro change if the code on 120-121 was in a code block, and have the correct parameters for the get_handle() calls, and the call to build_wall() corrected in the two locations - setup() and move_wall() (some change to the parameter list is also needed with the latter, I think!).
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