From objects to functions - uncompilable code for SeeATodoListDDT and HttpActions

On the refactoring of the test from the acceptance test to DDT test the book introduce a new class called SeeATodoListDDT
which uses the following functions on ToDoListOwner
- starts with a list
- can see #listname with #itemnames
The implementation on page 129 skips the first function completely.
Moreover, the implementation of HttpActions
requires a hub, and this hub isn’t defined anywhere in the code. While looking at the codebase of the project I’ve notice the following:
private val fetcher = ToDoListFetcherFromMap(mutableMapOf())
private val hub = ToDoListHub(fetcher)
However the ToDoListFetcherFromMap
also isn’t included in the code so I assume that some refactoring is required here
There is also another (maybe intended) typo with the last version of the test where the owner’s name changes from frank and bob to Tim and Adam without them being declared beforehand. In this specific case you can re-use the same owners from the 1st test as happened in the original test
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