I’m a newbie to Rails 7 and have hit an issue with the bin/Dev script mentioned on pages 112-113.
Iteration A1 - Seeing the list of products
I am using windows 10 but when I attempt to run the ruby bin/dev command described for windows users,I see the error:
Traceback (Most recent call last)
ruby: no Ruby script found in input
Has anyone else seen this?
Any suggestions on how I can move forward.
I am able to start the server on its own, but for some reason can’t get that bin/dev script to run.
Marked As Solved

Looks like that was reported on Rails 4. I see another report from two years ago: tzinfo-data issue when starting new rails project - Stack Overflow with Rails 5. Now you are seeing it with Rails 7.
So it is not just you, but clearly is is not affecting every Windows user. Debugging this remotely is not going to be easy. And there always is the concern that once you solve this problem that will only prepare you to get to the point where you encounter the next problem.
I’m going to describe two options, and I’m going to encourage the first option, as that is what I use myself and am very happy with it.
First option
Most Rails developers use MacOS machines. Most Rails apps are deployed on Linux. This makes these two the preferred environments for Rails.
Windows 10 and above can run something called WSL2, which gives you a pristine Linux install. If you are running Windows 11, you can install WSL2 from the App Store. Otherwise, open a command prompt as administrator and run wsl --install
. Go with the default Linux distribution (currently Ubuntu 20.04).
I highly recommend both Windows Terminal (also from the App Store) and Visual Studio Code (from the App Store for Windows 11 users, installable from the web site for everybody else).
The end result is literally seamless - you can edit your files using VS Code, run commands via Windows Terminal, and access your server via Microsoft Edge browser as localhost.
And because it is a separate environment, it is not affected by things you may have installed in the past, and won’t affect things you may install in the future. And you are not installing things from a third party - everything I listed above is from Microsoft.
And if you have questions, I am here to help as I have this installed myself (as well as “native” windows and Mac OS/X).
Option 2
For reasons I don’t yet understand, Rails is producing a Gemfile that doesn’t work for you. So what we need to do is to stop the installation process in the middle, correct the Gemfile, and then complete the installation. And Rails provides an option to do exactly that:
rails new depot --skip-bundle
Correct the Gemfile per instructions you can find on Stack Overflow and other places. And then proceed with the rest of the installation:
bundle install
bundle add tailwindcss-rails
bundle binstubs bundler
ruby bin/rails importmap:install
ruby bin/rails turbo:install stimulus:install
ruby bin/rails tailwindcss:install
This should get you to the exact place you would be if Rails had generated a Gemfile that worked for you. If you get this to work, I would suggest opening an issue with Rails so that they can fix it for others, and I would appreciate it if you shared that information with me, here, so that I can update the book in a way that may benefit others.
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