Ash Framework Book: various errata
I created my own tunez app from scratch using mix new tunes_hg
I successfully followed the book creating the ash_resource ‘artist’.
I created the migrations using mix ash.codegen create_artists
Then I did mix ash.migrate and got the error:
Postgrex.Protocol (#PID<0.198.0>) failed to connect: ** (Postgrex.Error) FATAL 3D000 (invalid_catalog_name) database “tunes_hg_dev” does not exist.
I searched the internet for this error and found mix ash.setup
Using it worked out perfectly.
mix ash.setup
Getting extensions in current project…
Running setup for AshPostgres.DataLayer…
The database for TunesHg.Repo has been created
05:31:11.988 [info] == Running 20250116154542 TunesHg.Repo.Migrations.InitializeExtensions1.up/0 forward
== Migrated 20250117040821 in 0.0s
Maybe others may trip on this error to?
Heiko Goes
P.S.: I am very happy with your book
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