Effective Haskell: typos, grammar, and punctuation (Chapter 2 - pdf B1.0)
To be more concise and minimize the number of threads, I grouped the suggested corrections into one post.
A few notes on how I structured this post:
- Corrections are ordered by page number.
- All page references are for the PDF edition.
- Modified words or sentences are highlighted in bold when appropriate.
On page 25,
…how to work with lists using high order functions…
should be
…how to work with lists using higher order functions…
On page 26,
…prepending an element to a list is much more efficent than…
should be
…prepending an element to a list is much more efficient than…
On page 26,
Later on on page 53 you’ll learn…
should be
Later on page 53 you’ll learn…
On page 28,
When you’re creating a list recusively in this way…
should be
When you’re creating a list recursively in this way…
On page 28,
…countdown from a starting number using this techinque.
should be
…countdown from a starting number using this technique.
On page 29,
To make our code more ergonimic to use…
should be
To make our code more ergonomic to use…
On page 29,
In the case offactors we’re calculating…
should be
In the case of factors we’re calculating…
On page 29,
The recursive part of our function handled…
should be
The recursive part of our function is handled…
On page 30,
If the modulous is 0 then we’ve found a factor.
should be
If the modulus is 0, then we’ve found a factor.
(note: I’ve also added a comma between “0” and “then”)
On page 32,
Later on in on page 107 you’ll learn…
should be
Later on page 107 you’ll learn…
On page 33,
They both return accumulator on an empty list…
should be
They both return an accumulator on an empty list…
On page 33,
…let’s pretend to be the compiler and use some pseduo-Haskell…
should be
…let’s pretend to be the compiler and use some pseudo-Haskell…
On page 35,
Like folding, appliying a function to ever element in a list…
should be
Like folding, applying a function to every element in a list…
On page 39,
…where a is an element of bs, and b is odd".
should be
…where a is an element of bs, and b is odd."
(note: I’ve moved the quote after the period.)
On page 44,
…replace the first or second elements if the match some special case…
should be
…replace the first or second elements if they match some special case…
On page 46,
More specifically, Haskell uses is a form of laziness…
should be
More specifically, Haskell uses a form of laziness…
(note: I’ve removed “is” from the original sentence.)
On page 49,
In fact, we while our first attempt to calculate…
should be
In fact, while our first attempt to calculate…
(note: I’ve removed “we” from the original sentence.)
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