Being Humane in Tech - Sascha Wolf
This talk by @wolf4earth was posted in a thread about pull requests, but it warrants a thread of its own
As Sascha highlights, being compassionate can sometimes make all the difference. Life is hard enough as it is, and if you can do something to make it a little less shitty for someone who’s going through a rough time, or go that little bit further and help them forget or overcome their woes, then you’ll be making an impact on someone’s life that could have very real and profound effects.
I’m adding the sticky and diversity tags to this thread so it shows and is pinned in our Diversity portal because compassion is where it all begins, without it, we wouldn’t have seen the strides towards equality that we see today.
Thank you Sascha (and everyone else who thinks similarly) for being kind, decent human beings and a positive force in the life of others
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