Diversity in Swift
A new Swift blog post/announcement has been posted!
Get the full details here: Swift.org - Diversity in Swift
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A new Swift blog post/announcement has been posted!
Get the full details here: Swift.org - Accessibility and Inclusion in the Swift Com...

The lectures for the Spring 2020 version of Stanford University’s course CS193p (Developing Applications for iOS using SwiftUI) were deli...

For a long time Apple Wallet has provided an API to create passes, be it coupons, boarding passes or event tickets.
The great thing abou...

A new Swift blog post/announcement has been posted!
Get the full details here: Swift.org - Introducing Swift Distributed Actors

Doesn’t have to be for coding, but just apps you’ve found useful; :smiley:
I think this is great:
The thing I like most about it is h...

A new Swift blog post/announcement has been posted!
Get the full details here: Swift.org - SSWG 2021 Annual Update

Is Appcode worth it or XCode is enough for iOS App Development?

Hi! How effectively caching data of networking in iOS Swift? What libraries, techniques are you use? Can you share good materials(books, ...

A new Swift blog post/announcement has been posted!
Get the full details here: Swift.org - Swift 5.8 Released!

I have a website of a chatbot that also accepts microphone inputs and I embedded that into my swift and the everything other than the mic...
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A thread that every forum needs!
Simply post a link to a track on YouTube (or SoundCloud or Vimeo amongst others!) on a separate line an...

If it’s a mechanical keyboard, which switches do you have?
Would you recommend it? Why?
What will your next keyboard be?
Pics always w...

@AstonJ prompted me to open this topic after I mentioned in the lockdown thread how I started to do a lot more for my fitness.

I know that -t flag is used along with -i flag for getting an interactive shell. But I cannot digest what the man page for docker run com...

Why, if your answer is yes?

“Finding the Boundaries” Hero’s Journey with Noel Rappin @noelrappin
Even when you’re ultimately right about what the future ho...

I am asking for any distro that only has the bare-bones to be able to get a shell in the server and then just install the packages as we ...

If you are experiencing Rails console using 100% CPU on your dev machine, then updating your development and test gems might fix the issu...

This is a very quick guide, you just need to:
Download LM Studio: https://lmstudio.ai/
Click on search
Type DeepSeek, then select the o...
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