Release It! Second Edition: another relation between faults, errors and failures (page 29)

Hi Michael,
Thank you so much because I really enjoy reading your book. I love your writing style, the way you explained your experiences and your sense of humor (lots of laughs with the choice number 5 in the section “Service Extinction”). And congrats for the amount of interesting content, insights and experiences, really impressed! I think it shows your mixed profile from development to operations, and it can be an interesting book for any technical profile in this profession.
Please, I would like to share my humble feedback with you. Just minor things!
About “Chain Of Failure”:
Faults become errors, and errors provoke failures.
I’d prefer:
Errors become faults, and faults provoke failures.
As far as I know, errors or mistakes lead to defects or faults that can cause failures.
I think it’s ok for me in another part of the book:
You’re looking for faults that lead to failures.
By the way, despite the fact that Netflix talks about “failure injection testing (FIT)”, I think it should be “fault injection testing”. Fault injection dates back to the 1970, with Hardware Implemented Fault Injection (HWIFI) to simulate HW failures within a system. Happy to see “chaos engineering” rescued a good idea from our history.
Thanks again for your book!
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