Help improving and implementing some stuff in Simon Say's game
Hi all. New here.
I tried do it by myself and searching help in forums but no luck… Hope I can found it here in a specialized forum.
My game is a Simon Says stlye, but with Star Wars inspiration. The first Activity is the Game (I am planning add a “welcome/config” Activity before that). You have to play regulary and when you lose, the score is saved in a variable and passed to the next Activity where Vader asks for the name or nickname, which is passed together with the score to put it in the last Activity scrolling text bottom-up with all scores.
What I am trying to implement or change is the animation of the score since 2 - 3 years; I think it will be more cool if it’s an animation with the text going far to the horizon as the opening credits in Star Wars movies.
I found a library that can’t add into Android Studio or I am to newbie/dumb to do it 'cause seems to be deprecated. But if 9 years ago was created, I am sure now still can be done.
My complete code:
What I want to rise (from CreditsRoll, the deprecated library or whatever is, maybe it’s not for Android Studio…):
The library:
All help is very welcome and much appreciated.
And forgive me for my terrible english. It’s my 3rd language.
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