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Modern CSS with Tailwind by @noelrappin Noel Rappinbook-modern-css-with-tailwind Modern Front-End Development for Rails by @noelrappin Noel Rappin
book-modern-front-end-development-for-rails Practical Microservices by @ethangarofolo Ethan Garofolo
book-practical-microservices Design and Build Great Web APIs by @mamund Mike Amundsen
book-design-and-build-great-web-apis Web Development with Clojure, Third Edition by Dmitri Sotnikov @Dmitri and Scot Brown @svmbrown
book-web-development-with-clojure-third-edition Build Websites with Hugo by Brian Hogan @bphogan
book-build-websites-with-hugo Real-Time Phoenix by

book-real-time-phoenix Agile Web Development with Rails 6 by Sam Ruby and David Bryant Copeland
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Note: this offer is not valid for previous purchases and is good through April 13, 2021.
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