Effective Haskell: formatting
Please make a pass through the book,
getting all the code on 1 side, or the other, of page-breaks,
for e-reader people.
I can’t get kindle app to read my kindle-format items,
unless I give it access to my device’s filesystem
( iow, kindle rejects kindle-format documents emailed into my account,
and epubs too,
only accepting pdf’s,
but it’ll read, in a sort of damaged way, kindle format books in my device,
if I give it access to that dir )
and it discards all my highlights, notes, etc,
from the kindles in a dir I’ve let it have access to,
every time I uninstall/reinstall kindle
( because after having 1k items downloaded,
it begins randomly deleting things from Collections, etc,
so it is required to keep the number of downloaded items small!
This may not affect people with fewer than 20k items in their account,
but having study-materials disappear from one’s Collections,
because of the cockamamie coding Amazon put into their kindle-app platform,
is infuriating.
For a brain-damaged person, who can’t remember
that there should be some other items in this collection,
until weeks later…
…it is abuse. )
So, as much better as kindle format is
( it permits me to decide the font & size,
for legibility ),
I gave up on it, for all pragprog books.
Epub also doesn’t always render code correctly.
I’m now limited to .pdf, in Foxit reader.
Even in Foxit, however,
having code splayed across multiple pages,
wrecks sanity of highlighting,
underlining, etc.
Simply moving things so that code is consistently arrayed within pages,
instead of across the things,
would make it clearer, for learners.
This still leaves the problem that low-vision people, who need 20 or 40pt type,
to be able to read, have:
kindle format sorta accommodates them,
epub in ReadEra Pro sorta does,
but .pdf just crowbars people with low-vision into side-scrolling,
for every individual line.
iow, none of the 3 formats is proper.
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