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Author of Agile Web Development With Rails
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In Chapter 3, the source for index introduces Config on page 31, followed by more code including tests; Config isn’t introduced until pag...

The answer to 3rd Problem of Chapter 5 (Making Choices) of “Practical Programming, Third Edition” seems incorrect in the given answer ke...

First, the code resources:
Page 237: rumbl_umbrella/apps/rumbl/mix.exs
Note: That this file is missing.
Page 238: rumbl_umbrella/app...

The generated iex result below should list products instead of product for the metadata. (page 67)
iex> product = %Product{}

Hello! Thanks for the great book.
I was attempting the Trie (chap 17) exercises and for number 4 the solution provided for the autocorre...

Running mix deps.get in the sensor_hub directory fails with the following error:
** (Mix) No SSH public keys found in ~/.ssh. An ssh aut...

Is the book’s epub format available to read on Google Play Books?

The markup used to display the uploaded image results in a Phoenix.LiveView.HTMLTokenizer.ParseError error.

Modern Front-End Development for Rails - application does not start after run bin/setup (page xviii)
After some hassle, I was able to finally run bin/setup, now I have started the rails server but I get this error message right when I vis...

Title: Agile Web Development with Rails 7: (page 70)
I am running windows 11 pro with rails 7.0.3 and ruby 3.1.2p20 (2022-04-12 revision...
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Which, if any, games do you play? On what platform?
I just bought (and completed) Minecraft Dungeons for my Nintendo Switch. Other than ...

I know that -t flag is used along with -i flag for getting an interactive shell. But I cannot digest what the man page for docker run com...

Thanks to @foxtrottwist’s and @Tomas’s posts in this thread: Poll: Which code editor do you use? I bought Onivim! :nerd_face:

Just done a fresh install of macOS Big Sur and on installing Erlang I am getting:
asdf install erlang 23.1.2
Configure failed.
checking ...

I have seen the keycaps I want - they are due for a group-buy this week but won’t be delivered until October next year!!! :rofl:
The Ser...

Seems like a lot of people caught it - just wondered whether any of you did?
As far as I know I didn’t, but it wouldn’t surprise me if I...

Crystal recently reached version 1. I had been following it for awhile but never got to really learn it. Most languages I picked up out o...

Author Spotlight
Erin Dees
Welcome to our new author spotlight! We had the pleasure of chatting with Erin Dees, co-author of ...

I have always used antique keyboards like Cherry MX 1800 or Cherry MX 8100 and almost always have modified the switches in some way, like...

Author Spotlight:
Bruce Tate
Programming languages always emerge out of need, and if that’s not always true, they’re defin...
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