Design and Build Great Web APIs: Incorrect reference to example HTTP request (page 24)

Title: Design and Build Great Web APIs: Incorrect reference to example HTTP request (page 24)
Page 23 lists an example HTTP request:
"Here’s what a real HTTP request and response look like:
POST /create-user HTTP/2
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 46
Then, on page 24 it states:
"The first line is the start-line and it contains three elements:
• HTTP method (POST)
• URL (/create-user)
• Protocol version (HTTP/2)
The next two lines are part of the header collection. In this example, it contains two values:
- The type of message body being sent (Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlen- coded)
- The size of the message body (Content-Length: 46)"
Suggestion: Either describe the Host: line or change sentence to “The next two lines after the Host line are part of the header collection.”
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