

Python Testing with pytest, Second Edition: explain the rationale behind the change in the fixture code (pages 143, 144)

In the “Testing at Multiple Layers to Avoid Mocking” section, the code for the cards_db fixture changes. In previous chapters, it was something like:

def db(tmp_path_factory):
  """CardsDB object connected to a temporary database"""
  db_path = tmp_path_factory.mktemp('cards_db')
  db_ = cards.CardsDB(db_path)
  yield db_

def cards_db(db, request, faker):
  """CardsDB object that's empty"""
  return db

When we reach this section, it changes to:

def db_path(tmp_path_factory):
  db_path = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("cards_db")
  return db_path

def cards_db(db_path, monkeypatch):
  monkeypatch.setenv("CARDS_DB_DIR", str(db_path))
  db_ = cards.CardsDB(db_path)
  yield db_

Explaning this code change could introduce some important testing concepts that junior developers may struggle with. By adding the monkeypatch.setenv line, you ensure that the high level API via the cards_db package will point to the same database as the one created manually via the cards.CardsDB class. This is necessary because your tests operate at two different levels at the same time. It might be useful to show it failing if you don’t set the environment variable and explain why.

This also introduces an important concept about how you design your tests. As mentioned elsewhere in the book, tests are meant to be independent and you need to ensure you know what they’re testing. One way this is often done is by designing tests such that the “When” part of the test is the only part that exercises the code under test (in this case, the cards_db package) while the “Given” and “Then” parts of the test are kept independent of the code under test. This way you know exactly what the “When” part is testing. However, when designing your tests that way, it means the “When” part is acting against a different layer from the “Given” and “Then” parts and you need to ensure those layers are configured the same.

This test design point introduces another point about making your app easily testable. In the case of the CardDB app, the fact that its main configuration option can be set via an environment variable is what makes this code possible.

Finally, this raises a point about test strategy. When I see code like this in my own projects, I immediately add a simple test suite to validate that the configuration options are properly handled. If those tests fail in the future, it is likely that a lot of other tests will fail in cascade. I typically set a special mark on those such as @pytest.mark.canary so if I suddently have a lot of tests failing, I check the canary ones first and make sure they are fixed as a priority on the basis that if those fail, a lot of others will fail too.

Apologies for such a complex and long-winded comment on this small change. When I started asking myself “why?” repeatedly when seeing that code change, I realised that there were a lot of logic behind that change that is natural to an experienced tester but not to a junior one. I don’t know if this would be better explained as an addition to this chapter, an aside, or any other form but I feel that it would be worthwhile to explain the rationale behind this code change.

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