How to capture the popup window information in the Mac desktop by Apple Script?

For my iOS e2e test, sometimes the test is blocked by the Mac pop-up window alert. The possible pop-up as follows:
- Java Access Pop-up
- Accessibility Pop-up
- SystemProperty Pop-up
- and so on…
In order to fetch the unexpected pop-up dialog window when executing e2e tests. I write a simple Apple script get_popup_windows.scpt as follows:
tell application "System Events"
set allProcesses to processes whose background only is false
-- Log the count of allProcesses
log "Number of processes found: " & (count of allProcesses)
set dialogInfos to {}
repeat with eachProcess in allProcesses
tell eachProcess
log "Process Name: " & (name of eachProcess as text)
set allWindows to (windows whose subrole is "AXStandardWindow" or subrole is "AXDialog")
log "Number of allWindows found: " & (count of allWindows)
repeat with eachWindow in allWindows
set uiElements to UI elements of eachWindow
log "eachWindow: " & (name of eachWindow as text)
set the end of dialogInfos to {title:(name of eachWindow as text), processName:(name of eachProcess as text)}
end repeat
end tell
end try
end repeat
end tell
return dialogInfos
However, when I execute the script: osascript get_popup_windows.scpt The result as follows:
Number of processes found: 10
Process Name: Terminal
Number of allWindows found: 1
eachWindow: scripts — osascript get_popup_windows.scpt — 143×41
Process Name: Google Chrome
Number of allWindows found: 1
eachWindow: Gemini - Google Chrome - Will
Process Name: sublime_text
Number of allWindows found: 0
Process Name: Notes
Number of allWindows found: 0
Process Name: Music
Number of allWindows found: 0
Process Name: Finder
Number of allWindows found: 0
Process Name: app_mode_loader
Number of allWindows found: 0
Process Name: Simulator
Number of allWindows found: 0
Process Name: app_mode_loader
Number of allWindows found: 0
Process Name: Script Editor
Number of allWindows found: 0
title:scripts — osascript get_popup_windows.scpt — 143×41, processName:Terminal, title:Gemini - Google Chrome - Will, processName:Google Chrome
=> I cannot fetch the target pop-up window in the Mac desktop. Please guide me if you have any suggestions, thanks.
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