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Popular General Community Chat topics

I’ve just discovered that @asgartech is a writer! And a pretty good one at that - according to his goodreads reviews - and that got me wo...

We already have a Thread about new Hardware here:
But what about all the other nerdy things? :wink:
Did you get any new cool gadgets? ...

Whether related to dev/tech or not :upside_down_face:

Where should a Junior Elixir Dev focused first? what projects should I create? my current work has nothing to do with specifically Elixir...

Are you reading any non-programming related books, if so what, and what did you think of them?

I like learning languages, but since learning English (which of course I can improve) I didn’t know which one I want to learn first. I’m ...

I’m wondering how you journal or keep track with your learning. I myself using diary (just timestamp and quick summary on what I did), bu...

U.S. government concerns about great disparities in housing conditions are at least 100 years old. For the first 50 years of thi...

Ben Affleck Says He’s Done With DC Films, No Matter Who’s in Charge.
Ben Affleck had such a horrible time making Justice League, he bowe...

You can now get the ebook version of Bruce Tate’s @redrapids new book, Currently Away, which is the story of how he and Maggie Tate took ...
Other popular topics

Any thoughts on Svelte?
Svelte is a radical new approach to building user interfaces. Whereas traditional frameworks like React and Vue...

I am thinking in building or buy a desktop computer for programing, both professionally and on my free time, and my choice of OS is Linux...

No chair. I have a standing desk.
This post was split into a dedicated thread from our thread about chairs :slight_smile:

SpaceVim seems to be gaining in features and popularity and I just wondered how it compares with SpaceMacs in 2020 - anyone have any thou...

Here’s the story how one of the world’s first production deployments of LiveView came to be - and how trying to improve it almost caused ...

If you get Can't find emacs in your PATH when trying to install Doom Emacs on your Mac you… just… need to install Emacs first! :lol:

Build efficient applications that exploit the unique benefits of a pure functional language, learning from an engineer who uses Haskell t...

Was just curious to see if any were around, found this one:
I got 51/100:
Not sure if it was meant to buy I am sure at times the b...

The overengineered Solution to my Pigeon Problem.
TL;DR: I built a wifi-equipped water gun to shoot the pigeons on my balcony, controlle...

If you want a quick and easy way to block any website on your Mac using Little Snitch simply…
File > New Rule:
And select Deny, O...
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