Tips on learning (spoken) languages
I like learning languages, but since learning English (which of course I can improve) I didn’t know which one I want to learn first. I’m going back and forth between French, German, and Italian. At the moment I’m going with German, but who knows I might change my mind.
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I love real wood furniture, floors, worktops and have been thinking about learning!
Which got me thinking, anybody have any other skills...

We already have a Thread about new Hardware here:
But what about all the other nerdy things? :wink:
Did you get any new cool gadgets? ...

Whether related to dev/tech or not :upside_down_face:

Where should a Junior Elixir Dev focused first? what projects should I create? my current work has nothing to do with specifically Elixir...

I’m wondering how you journal or keep track with your learning. I myself using diary (just timestamp and quick summary on what I did), bu...

U.S. government concerns about great disparities in housing conditions are at least 100 years old. For the first 50 years of thi...

You can now get the ebook version of Bruce Tate’s @redrapids new book, Currently Away, which is the story of how he and Maggie Tate took ...

In 1984, when I wrote CHARGED BODIES, my history of the creation of Silicon Valley, the Mac promised to be “the computer for the rest of ...

Dick Steinheimer, “Stein” as he refers to himself, shares a small office space near the Bayshore Freeway now. His aren’t the habits of to...

I want to know how does such website earn money? or such websites are for helping others, as helped for me
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Please tell us what is your preferred monitor setup for programming(not gaming) and why you have chosen it.
Does your monitor have eye p...

SpaceVim seems to be gaining in features and popularity and I just wondered how it compares with SpaceMacs in 2020 - anyone have any thou...

Bought the Moonlander mechanical keyboard. Cherry Brown MX switches. Arms and wrists have been hurting enough that it’s time I did someth...

Curious to know which languages and frameworks you’re all thinking about learning next :upside_down_face:
Perhaps if there’s enough peop...

Small essay with thoughts on macOS vs. Linux:
I know @Exadra37 is just waiting around the corner to scream at me “I TOLD YOU SO!!!” but I...

Seems like a lot of people caught it - just wondered whether any of you did?
As far as I know I didn’t, but it wouldn’t surprise me if I...

Think Again 50% Off Sale »
The theme of this sale is new perspectives on familiar topics.
Enter coupon code ThinkAgain2021 at checkout t...

Author Spotlight
Jamis Buck
This month, we have the pleasure of spotlighting author Jamis Buck, who has written Mazes for Prog...

zig/http.zig at 7cf2cbb33ef34c1d211135f56d30fe23b6cacd42 · ziglang/zig.
General-purpose programming language and toolchain for maintaini...

Will Swifties’ war on AI fakes spark a deepfake porn reckoning?
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