FIDO2 security key company releases hardware that's open source and uses Rust
Our Solo v2 launch is official!.
Our Kickstarter campaign for our next generation of Solo products launches on January 26th. To > get alerted when the campaign is live, you can sign up here.
Update: The campaign is now live! Check it out to see all the details.Humble beginnings
I’ve been working on Solo for almost 3 years now. It started back when I was in college and on a whim, ordered a run of 1000 security keys that I designed and then shipped them all to Amazon.I didn’t think any would sell, but turns out they all did! Since then I’ve grown a team and have gone full time on this.
Thank you to everyone that has supported us and given us a chance. We are a bootstrapped hardware company and it’s not easy! Your support truly helps a lot.
This thread was posted by one of our members via one of our news source trackers.
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