Yew yew-v0.20.0 and yew-router-v0.17.0 released!

Yew yew-v0.20.0 and yew-router-v0.17.0 has been released.
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It’s hard to have a Rails application without integrating some client-side logic. But client-side coding tools, and the Rails tools for i...

Upgrade your skill set, succeed at work, and avoid the many headaches that come with modern front-end development. Simplify your codebase...

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Wanted to try out Surface for awhile now and yesterday finally had the time for it, the developer experience is amazing and I decided to ...

Fable 3.0.2 has been released.
Link: Release 3.0.2 · fable-compiler/Fable · GitHub

Instead of pulling you into a library-specific magical world, CalDOM let you fully access the DOM directly while keeping the reactivity. ...

Tailwind v2.2.10, v2.2.9 and v2.2.8 has been released.
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Announcing Parcel CSS: A new CSS parser, compiler, and minifier written in Rust!.
I’m very excited to announce @parcel/css, a new CSS pa...

Fable 3.7.6 has been released.
Link: Release 3.7.6 · fable-compiler/Fable · GitHub

I mean, when you render all the HTML at the server side and the data is sent through HTTP requests, except only if some tiny things are d...
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Hello Devtalk World!
Please let us know a little about who you are and where you’re from :nerd_face:

A thread that every forum needs!
Simply post a link to a track on YouTube (or SoundCloud or Vimeo amongst others!) on a separate line an...

You might be thinking we should just ask who’s not using VSCode :joy: however there are some new additions in the space that might give V...

“Finding the Boundaries” Hero’s Journey with Noel Rappin @noelrappin
Even when you’re ultimately right about what the future ho...

Small essay with thoughts on macOS vs. Linux:
I know @Exadra37 is just waiting around the corner to scream at me “I TOLD YOU SO!!!” but I...

Learn different ways of writing concurrent code in Elixir and increase your application's performance, without sacrificing scalability or...

I am trying to crate a game for the Nintendo switch, I wanted to use Java as I am comfortable with that programming language. Can you use...

The overengineered Solution to my Pigeon Problem.
TL;DR: I built a wifi-equipped water gun to shoot the pigeons on my balcony, controlle...

If you want a quick and easy way to block any website on your Mac using Little Snitch simply…
File > New Rule:
And select Deny, O...

Author Spotlight
Erin Dees
Welcome to our new author spotlight! We had the pleasure of chatting with Erin Dees, co-author of ...
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