With memory safety becoming more important in the world of computer science, I offer a brief opinion piece on why I choose to implement codecs in C.
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Bought the Moonlander mechanical keyboard. Cherry Brown MX switches. Arms and wrists have been hurting enough that it’s time I did someth...

Seems to be a load of h/w purchases on devtalk rn :iphone: :desktop_computer: :headphones: :computer: :keyboard:
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I always start with excitement and then get busy on 9/10th day. This year, like the year before this, and the year before that, I intend ...

Do the test and post your score :nerd_face:
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Craft your dream role at work by guiding your manager to take your priorities into account when making decisions.
Ken Kousen @kenko...

Maybe it’s just my experience, but Object-Oriented Programming seems like a default, most common paradigm of software engineering. The on...

I am thinking in buying one as the second monitor for my Thinkpad while I am travelling:
Anyone has experience in using on...

This was interesting:
He’s definitely more of an Emacs fan (which is fine) and the thing I found interesting is how you wo...
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I know that -t flag is used along with -i flag for getting an interactive shell. But I cannot digest what the man page for docker run com...

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I ended up cancelling my Moonlander order as I think it’s just going to be a bit too bulky for me.
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Small essay with thoughts on macOS vs. Linux:
I know @Exadra37 is just waiting around the corner to scream at me “I TOLD YOU SO!!!” but I...

Hi folks,
I don’t know if I saw this here but, here’s a new programming language, called Roc
Reminds me a bit of Elm and thus Haskell. ...

Was just curious to see if any were around, found this one:
I got 51/100:
Not sure if it was meant to buy I am sure at times the b...

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Rebecca Skinner
Welcome to our latest author spotlight, where we sit down with Rebecca Skinner, auth...

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Karl Stolley
Logic! Rhetoric! Prag! Wow, what a combination. In this spotlight, we sit down with Karl ...
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