Author of Software Estimation Without Guessing
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Python Testing With Pytest - Chapter 2, warnings for “unregistered custom marks”
While running the smoke tests in Chapter 2, I get these...

Hi Brian,
Looks like the api for tinydb has changed a little. Noticed while working on chapter 7 that the .purge() call to the db throws...

The generated iex result below should list products instead of product for the metadata. (page 67)
iex> product = %Product{}

Hi. Thanks for writing the book. I am just learning so this might just of been an issue ...

Running mix deps.get in the sensor_hub directory fails with the following error:
** (Mix) No SSH public keys found in ~/.ssh. An ssh aut...

I completed chapter 6 but am getting the following error when running:
thread 'main' panicked at 'Failed to load texture: IoError(O...

Hey there,
I’m enjoying this book and have learned a few things alredayd. However, in Chapter 4 I believe we are meant to see the “>...

Hi all,
currently I wonder how the Tailwind colours work (or don’t work).
For example, in app/views/layouts/application.html.erb I have...

Hi, I need some help, I’m new to rust and was learning through your book. but I got stuck at the last stage of distribution. Whenever I t...

Hi, I’m working on the Chapter 8 of the book.
After I add add the point_offset, I’m still able to see acne:
In the image above, I re...
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If it’s a mechanical keyboard, which switches do you have?
Would you recommend it? Why?
What will your next keyboard be?
Pics always w...

Let’s get real. As in really knowing—clearly and practically—what’s up with Phoenix LiveView.
What is it?
How does it work?
What can I ...

I’ve been hearing quite a lot of comments relating to the sound of a keyboard, with one of the most desirable of these called ‘thock’, he...

Thanks to @foxtrottwist’s and @Tomas’s posts in this thread: Poll: Which code editor do you use? I bought Onivim! :nerd_face:

Inspired by this post from @Carter, which languages, frameworks or other tech or tools do you think is killing it right now? :upside_down...

I ended up cancelling my Moonlander order as I think it’s just going to be a bit too bulky for me.
I think the Planck and the Preonic (o...

Hello content creators! Happy new year. What tech topics do you think will be the focus of 2021? My vote for one topic is ethics in tech...

Crystal recently reached version 1. I had been following it for awhile but never got to really learn it. Most languages I picked up out o...

Author Spotlight
Jamis Buck
This month, we have the pleasure of spotlighting author Jamis Buck, who has written Mazes for Prog...

zig/http.zig at 7cf2cbb33ef34c1d211135f56d30fe23b6cacd42 · ziglang/zig.
General-purpose programming language and toolchain for maintaini...
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