Popular Backend topics

Following on an old discussion I started on Elixir Forum here, I finally made my mind to learn Ruby on Rails in addition to Elixir/Phoen...

i am facing difficult using webpack when to install within phoenix framework 1.5.7 because the webpack is still version 4.x.x inf...

I’ve recently become interested in Elixir and all it’s neat perks. And since I’m currently working on a messaging platform; elixir seems ...

Learn different ways of writing concurrent code in Elixir and increase your application's performance, without sacrificing scalability or...

I did not add this to a “this weekend I’ll learn” like my few other journals as I am decided on using this in the long term.
Last I work...


Use WebRTC to build web applications that stream media and data in real time directly from one user to another, all in the browser.

Dear Geeks
I am new to pytest. I am following a youtube channel. I am writing the same code.
learning to test login functionality of an...

Programming Ruby is the most complete book on Ruby, covering both the language itself and the standard library as well as commonly used t...

Laravel v10.0.5 has been released.
Link: Release v10.0.5 · laravel/laravel · GitHub
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A thread that every forum needs!
Simply post a link to a track on YouTube (or SoundCloud or Vimeo amongst others!) on a separate line an...

Which, if any, games do you play? On what platform?
I just bought (and completed) Minecraft Dungeons for my Nintendo Switch. Other than ...

I am thinking in building or buy a desktop computer for programing, both professionally and on my free time, and my choice of OS is Linux...

You might be thinking we should just ask who’s not using VSCode :joy: however there are some new additions in the space that might give V...

I have seen the keycaps I want - they are due for a group-buy this week but won’t be delivered until October next year!!! :rofl:
The Ser...

Do the test and post your score :nerd_face:
If possible, please add info such as the keyboard you’re using, the layout (Qw...

If you are experiencing Rails console using 100% CPU on your dev machine, then updating your development and test gems might fix the issu...

A few weeks ago I started using Warp a terminal written in rust. Though in it’s current state of development there are a few caveats (tab...

Was just curious to see if any were around, found this one:
I got 51/100:
Not sure if it was meant to buy I am sure at times the b...

If you want a quick and easy way to block any website on your Mac using Little Snitch simply…
File > New Rule:
And select Deny, O...
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