I'm curious about if I can have a feature like Elixir/Phoenix umbrella project when using Ruby On Rails

Following on an old discussion I started on Elixir Forum here, I finally made my mind to learn Ruby on Rails in addition to Elixir/Phoenix. The thread is visible only for Elixir Forum members.
One of the things that makes me going for that choice is that even if Ruby is not Elixir, the syntax seems a bit familiar to me at a quick glance. So I think my learning would be somehow fast.
But I really appreciate Elixir umbrella feature and after some googling I’m not finding anything similar for Ruby. So I would like to know if there is at least a way when working with Rails to have multiple web apps in the same project but into different folders (separated controllers, views, templates , assets) but still sharing for example some core “context modules”.
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