Fable 3.1.16 released!

Popular Frontend topics

They now have a beginners course on NodeJS, following their beginners course on Javascript.
I’m hoping they will do one o...

Wanted to try out Surface for awhile now and yesterday finally had the time for it, the developer experience is amazing and I decided to ...

Why or when should one choose Tailwind over Bootstrap? :slight_smile:

Dream is an easy-to-use, boilerplate-free Web framework, whose entire API fits on this page!
It supports TLS, WebSockets, and GraphQL. H...

The situation
Hi there! I’m working on a live view app right now that encrypts sensitive user content (text and images) using the browser...

Just like I did one on Tailwind some time ago, I am going to play with AlpineJS the next few days. It’s a nice little JS framework that ...

Hi all,
I recently started working with Svelte and created a small app with SvelteKit in order to understand better the framework. I hav...

Pablo is a small, open-source JavaScript library for SVG, the web standard for vector graphics. It can be used for vector-based art, game...

Preact 10.8.0 has been released.
Link: Release 10.8.0 · preactjs/preact · GitHub

I have a button that may be disabled or not, depending on a set of conditions. I want to disable/enable the button without hav...
Other popular topics

A thread that every forum needs!
Simply post a link to a track on YouTube (or SoundCloud or Vimeo amongst others!) on a separate line an...

I am thinking in building or buy a desktop computer for programing, both professionally and on my free time, and my choice of OS is Linux...

We have a thread about the keyboards we have, but what about nice keyboards we come across that we want? If you have seen any that look n...

I ended up cancelling my Moonlander order as I think it’s just going to be a bit too bulky for me.
I think the Planck and the Preonic (o...

I am asking for any distro that only has the bare-bones to be able to get a shell in the server and then just install the packages as we ...

Oh just spent so much time on this to discover now that RancherOS is in end of life but Rancher is refusing to mark the Github repo as su...

If you are experiencing Rails console using 100% CPU on your dev machine, then updating your development and test gems might fix the issu...

The V Programming Language
Simple language for building maintainable programs
V is already mentioned couple of times in the forum, but I...

A Hero’s Journey with Chris Pine
Chris Pine, author of Learn to Program, Third Edition, discusses his journey to becoming a Pragm...

This is going to be a long an frequently posted thread.
While talking to a friend of mine who has taken data structure and algorithm cou...
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