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Go is a modern programming language that combines the reliability of compiled languages with the ease of use and flexibility of dynamic t...

TDD is a modern programming practice that all C developers need to know. It’s a different way to program—unit tests are written in a tigh...

Another BEAM language…
The Hamler Programming Language
Hamler is a strongly-typed language with compile-time typechecking and built-in...

Following on an old discussion I started on Elixir Forum here, I finally made my mind to learn Ruby on Rails in addition to Elixir/Phoen...

Can Phoenix LiveView be used in multi-page applications, unlike React/Vue/Blazor which seems to be targeted for SPA?

A new PostgreSQL blog post/announcement has been posted!
Get the full details here: PostgreSQL: Generate realistic test Data for Postgr...

Are there any good resources of using CQRS/EventSourcing in an Elixir/Phoenix application?

I have being some Elixir open-source contributions and side projects. Oh, and I’m doing them on livestreams on my twitch channel, follow ...

I did not add this to a “this weekend I’ll learn” like my few other journals as I am decided on using this in the long term.
Last I work...

Dodge the common mistakes that even senior developers make, take full advantage of static analysis tools, and deliver robust and error-fr...
Other popular topics

SpaceVim seems to be gaining in features and popularity and I just wondered how it compares with SpaceMacs in 2020 - anyone have any thou...

My first contact with Erlang was about 2 years ago when I used RabbitMQ, which is written in Erlang, for my job. This made me curious and...

I am asking for any distro that only has the bare-bones to be able to get a shell in the server and then just install the packages as we ...

If you get Can't find emacs in your PATH when trying to install Doom Emacs on your Mac you… just… need to install Emacs first! :lol:

I am trying to crate a game for the Nintendo switch, I wanted to use Java as I am comfortable with that programming language. Can you use...

The overengineered Solution to my Pigeon Problem.
TL;DR: I built a wifi-equipped water gun to shoot the pigeons on my balcony, controlle...

Author Spotlight
Erin Dees
Welcome to our new author spotlight! We had the pleasure of chatting with Erin Dees, co-author of ...

Author Spotlight:
VM Brasseur
We have a treat for you today! We turn the spotlight onto Open Source as we sit down with V...

Large Language Models like ChatGPT say The Darnedest Things.
The Errors They MakeWhy We Need to Document Them, and What We Have Decided ...

zig/http.zig at 7cf2cbb33ef34c1d211135f56d30fe23b6cacd42 · ziglang/zig.
General-purpose programming language and toolchain for maintaini...
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