Zig 0.14.0 released!

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Learning Clojure involves much more than just learning the mechanics. To really get Clojure you need to understand the ideas underlying i...

Another BEAM language…
The Hamler Programming Language
Hamler is a strongly-typed language with compile-time typechecking and built-in...

Why, if your answer is yes?

Does anybody have good learning resources with regards to going into Event Driven Design, Architecture or Sourcing?
I got recommended Er...

I have being some Elixir open-source contributions and side projects. Oh, and I’m doing them on livestreams on my twitch channel, follow ...

Phoenix 1.6.0 got released last week, with built-in authentication and mailer generators, a whole new HEEx (HTML-aware Embedded Elixir) e...

This is going to be a long an frequently posted thread.
While talking to a friend of mine who has taken data structure and algorithm cou...

I am following this tutorial . I have followed carefully correcting errors as I go. The app allows you to create a blog post and add comm...

Programming Ruby is the most complete book on Ruby, covering both the language itself and the standard library as well as commonly used t...

Any recommendations on good resources for learning Elixir, Phoenix, and Ash?
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I’m thinking of buying a monitor that I can rotate to use as a vertical monitor?
Also, I want to know if someone is using it for program...

Do the test and post your score :nerd_face:
If possible, please add info such as the keyboard you’re using, the layout (Qw...

Learn different ways of writing concurrent code in Elixir and increase your application's performance, without sacrificing scalabilit...

This is going to be a long an frequently posted thread.
While talking to a friend of mine who has taken data structure and algorithm cou...

We’ve talked about his book briefly here but it is quickly becoming obsolete - so he’s decided to create a series of 7 podcasts, the firs...

Rails 7 completely redefines what it means to produce fantastic user experiences and provides a way to achieve all the benefits of single...

Author Spotlight: Dmitry Zinoviev (@aqsaqal)
Today we’re putting our spotlight on Dmitry Zinoviev, author of Data Science Essentials ...

Author Spotlight: David Bryant Copeland (@davetron5000)
We’re so happy to bring you another Author Spotlight, a series where we sit d...

Large Language Models like ChatGPT say The Darnedest Things.
The Errors They MakeWhy We Need to Document Them, and What We Have Decided ...

zig/http.zig at 7cf2cbb33ef34c1d211135f56d30fe23b6cacd42 · ziglang/zig.
General-purpose programming language and toolchain for maintaini...
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