Programming Phoenix LiveView:
Two things:
The book is written to,. or alludes to the following…
Open up an operating system shell and navigate to the parent directory for your project. Then, type:
mix phx.new pento --live
[pp_liveview] ➔ mix phx.new pento --live * creating pento/config/config.exs
- creating pento/config/dev.exs
- creating pento/config/prod.exs
Fetch and install dependencies? [Yn] Y - running mix deps.get
The mix phx.new command runs the Phoenix installer for a standard Phoenix project, and the --live switch adds the library dependencies, configuration, and assets we’ll need to build live views.
As we work through this book, we’ll point out the bits that this --live switch adds to our project, and we’ll examine the directory structure in detail over time. For now, know that backend code goes in the lib/pento directory, the web- based assets like .css and .js files go in assets, and the web-based code all goes in the lib/pento_web directory.
Create The Database and Run The Server
At the bottom of the installation output, you’ll find a few extra instructions that look something like this:
We are almost there! The following steps are missing:
$ cd pento
$ mix deps.get
$ cd assets && npm install && node node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js
–mode development
Then configure your database in config/dev.exs and run:
$ mix ecto.create
I think too many assumptions are made at this step, especially if you are rusty. mix ecto.create errors out. You need to be specific about what those configs need to be set at in config/dev.exs. Also which version of PostgreSQL? A suggestion GUI-driven version probably would be a good idea to help standardize this.
The book above (#1) says one thing but the printout I get from running mix phx.new pento --live
produced s slightly different set of instructions at the end of the project generation.
(base) bradhutchins@MacBook-Pro Programming-Phoenix-LiveView % mix phx.new pento --live
- creating pento/config/config.exs
- creating pento/config/dev.exs
- creating pento/config/prod.exs
- creating pento/config/prod.secret.exs
- creating pento/config/test.exs
- creating pento/lib/pento/application.ex
- creating pento/lib/pento.ex
- creating pento/lib/pento_web/channels/user_socket.ex
- creating pento/lib/pento_web/views/error_helpers.ex
- creating pento/lib/pento_web/views/error_view.ex
- creating pento/lib/pento_web/endpoint.ex
- creating pento/lib/pento_web/router.ex
- creating pento/lib/pento_web/telemetry.ex
- creating pento/lib/pento_web.ex
- creating pento/mix.exs
- creating pento/README.md
- creating pento/.formatter.exs
- creating pento/.gitignore
- creating pento/test/support/channel_case.ex
- creating pento/test/support/conn_case.ex
- creating pento/test/test_helper.exs
- creating pento/test/pento_web/views/error_view_test.exs
- creating pento/lib/pento/repo.ex
- creating pento/priv/repo/migrations/.formatter.exs
- creating pento/priv/repo/seeds.exs
- creating pento/test/support/data_case.ex
- creating pento/lib/pento_web/templates/layout/root.html.leex
- creating pento/lib/pento_web/templates/layout/app.html.eex
- creating pento/lib/pento_web/templates/layout/live.html.leex
- creating pento/lib/pento_web/views/layout_view.ex
- creating pento/lib/pento_web/live/page_live.ex
- creating pento/lib/pento_web/live/page_live.html.leex
- creating pento/test/pento_web/views/layout_view_test.exs
- creating pento/test/pento_web/live/page_live_test.exs
- creating pento/lib/pento_web/gettext.ex
- creating pento/priv/gettext/en/LC_MESSAGES/errors.po
- creating pento/priv/gettext/errors.pot
- creating pento/assets/webpack.config.js
- creating pento/assets/.babelrc
- creating pento/assets/js/app.js
- creating pento/assets/css/app.scss
- creating pento/assets/package.json
- creating pento/assets/static/favicon.ico
- creating pento/assets/css/phoenix.css
- creating pento/assets/static/images/phoenix.png
- creating pento/assets/static/robots.txt
Fetch and install dependencies? [Yn] Y
- running mix deps.get
- running mix deps.compile
- running cd assets && npm install && node node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --mode development
We are almost there! The following steps are missing:
$ cd pento
Then configure your database in config/dev.exs and run:
$ mix ecto.create
Start your Phoenix app with:
$ mix phx.server
You can also run your app inside IEx (Interactive Elixir) as:
$ iex -S mix phx.server
Marked As Solved

Thanks for pointing this out @Brad, your feedback is super helpful
You can look for some updated info on installing and configuring Postgres in the next Beta release. As for seeing slightly different output from the mix phx new pento --live
command–that would likely be due to your using a different Phoenix version than the one with which the Pento app is generated. Some added text to clarify that this might be the case for readers will probably help here. Look for that in the upcoming release as well!
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