CentOS Community Newsletter, April 2021 (#2104)

A new CentOS blog post/announcement has been posted!
Get the full details here: CentOS Community Newsletter, April 2021 (#2104) – Blog.CentOS.org
Popular Linux topics

A new Manjaro blog post/announcement has been posted!
Get the full details here: [Stable Update] 2020-10-01 - Kernels, Mesa, KDE-Framew...

A new Manjaro blog post/announcement has been posted!
Get the full details here: [Testing Update] 2020-10-01 - Kernels, Firefox, Deepin...

A new Kubuntu blog post/announcement has been posted!
Get the full details here: Kubuntu Focus Model 2 Launched | Kubuntu

This is the snap for Sosumi , “Download and install macOS in a VM” . It works on Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, and other major Linux distributi...

I am asking for any distro that only has the bare-bones to be able to get a shell in the server and then just install the packages as we ...

Oh just spent so much time on this to discover now that RancherOS is in end of life but Rancher is refusing to mark the Github repo as su...

A new Kubuntu blog post/announcement has been posted!
Get the full details here: Kubuntu 20.04.2 LTS Update Available | Kubuntu

A new CentOS blog post/announcement has been posted!
Get the full details here: CentOS Community Newsletter, April 2021 (#2104) – Blog....

A new Arch Linux blog post/announcement has been posted!
Get the full details here: Arch Linux - News: QEMU >= 7.0.0 changes split p...

A new Arch Linux blog post/announcement has been posted!
Get the full details here: Arch Linux - News: TeX Live package reorganization
Other popular topics

@AstonJ prompted me to open this topic after I mentioned in the lockdown thread how I started to do a lot more for my fitness.

I know that these benchmarks might not be the exact picture of real-world scenario, but still I expect a Rust web framework performing a ...

Curious to know which languages and frameworks you’re all thinking about learning next :upside_down_face:
Perhaps if there’s enough peop...

On modern versions of macOS, you simply can’t power on your computer, launch a text editor or eBook reader, and write or read, without a ...

Small essay with thoughts on macOS vs. Linux:
I know @Exadra37 is just waiting around the corner to scream at me “I TOLD YOU SO!!!” but I...

Here’s the story how one of the world’s first production deployments of LiveView came to be - and how trying to improve it almost caused ...

Author Spotlight
James Stanier
James Stanier, author of Effective Remote Work , discusses how to rethink the office as we e...

Author Spotlight
Jamis Buck
This month, we have the pleasure of spotlighting author Jamis Buck, who has written Mazes for Prog...

Will Swifties’ war on AI fakes spark a deepfake porn reckoning?
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