Tailwind v4.0.10 released!

Popular Frontend topics

Any thoughts on Svelte?
Svelte is a radical new approach to building user interfaces. Whereas traditional frameworks like React and Vue...

Why do ARM chips have an instruction with Javascript in the name (FJCVTZS)?.
FJCVTZS is “Floating-point Javascript Convert to Signed fix...

Wanted to try out Surface for awhile now and yesterday finally had the time for it, the developer experience is amazing and I decided to ...

Anyone have any thoughts about Preact?
They’re saying it’s a “Fast 3kB alternative to React with the same modern API”…
A different kin...

What does svelte offer that React or Vue doesn’t?

I (re-)realized I had the book “Modern CSS with Tailwind” bought, never read a page of it until today. With me being a fast reader and th...

Fable 3.2.3 has been released.
Link: Release 3.2.3 · fable-compiler/Fable · GitHub

Hi all,
I recently started working with Svelte and created a small app with SvelteKit in order to understand better the framework. I hav...

I am new to programming.
I started reading Eloquent Javascript 3rd Edition, as the book comes highly recommended as a good place for beg...

I mean, when you render all the HTML at the server side and the data is sent through HTTP requests, except only if some tiny things are d...
Other popular topics

We have a thread about the keyboards we have, but what about nice keyboards we come across that we want? If you have seen any that look n...

Here’s our thread for the Keyboardio Atreus. It is a mechanical keyboard based on and a slight update of the original Atreus (Keyboardio ...

Just done a fresh install of macOS Big Sur and on installing Erlang I am getting:
asdf install erlang 23.1.2
Configure failed.
checking ...

“Finding the Boundaries” Hero’s Journey with Noel Rappin @noelrappin
Even when you’re ultimately right about what the future ho...

Continuing the discussion from Thinking about learning Crystal, let’s discuss - I was wondering which languages don’t GC - maybe we can c...

Hello everyone! This thread is to tell you about what authors from The Pragmatic Bookshelf are writing on Medium.

Here’s the story how one of the world’s first production deployments of LiveView came to be - and how trying to improve it almost caused ...

Saw this on TikTok of all places! :lol:
Anyone heard of them before?

The File System Access API with Origin Private File System.
WebKit supports new API that makes it possible for web apps to create, open,...

I am trying to crate a game for the Nintendo switch, I wanted to use Java as I am comfortable with that programming language. Can you use...
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