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Following on an old discussion I started on Elixir Forum here, I finally made my mind to learn Ruby on Rails in addition to Elixir/Phoen...

Kotlin v1.4.0 has been released.
Link: Release Kotlin 1.4.0 · JetBrains/kotlin · GitHub

A friend and I implemented a few algorithms in Dart and set them up in a repository. Thought I’d share it here.

I just thought of this. Are there any disadvantages when making your server in Assembly (other than having to learn a bunch of stuff :ro...

Can Phoenix LiveView be used in multi-page applications, unlike React/Vue/Blazor which seems to be targeted for SPA?

This hands-on book will quickly get you building, querying, and comparing graph data models using a robust, concurrent programming langua...

SQL Antipatterns is a short-cut to wisdom, showing you how to avoid "easy" solutions that don't work, and be a better database developer ...

This is going to be a long an frequently posted thread.
While talking to a friend of mine who has taken data structure and algorithm cou...

Dear Geeks
I am new to pytest. I am following a youtube channel. I am writing the same code.
learning to test login functionality of an...

Laravel v10.0.5 has been released.
Link: Release v10.0.5 · laravel/laravel · GitHub
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In case anyone else is wondering why Ruby 3 doesn’t show when you do asdf list-all ruby :man_facepalming: do this first:
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Oh just spent so much time on this to discover now that RancherOS is in end of life but Rancher is refusing to mark the Github repo as su...

Learn different ways of writing concurrent code in Elixir and increase your application's performance, without sacrificing scalability or...

Think Again 50% Off Sale »
The theme of this sale is new perspectives on familiar topics.
Enter coupon code ThinkAgain2021 at checkout t...

We’ve talked about his book briefly here but it is quickly becoming obsolete - so he’s decided to create a series of 7 podcasts, the firs...

If you get Can't find emacs in your PATH when trying to install Doom Emacs on your Mac you… just… need to install Emacs first! :lol:

Author Spotlight
Dmitry Zinoviev
Today we’re putting our spotlight on Dmitry Zinoviev, author of Data Science Essentials in ...

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Karl Stolley
Logic! Rhetoric! Prag! Wow, what a combination. In this spotlight, we sit down with Karl ...

Author Spotlight:
Peter Ullrich
Data is at the core of every business, but it is useless if nobody can access and analyze ...

zig/http.zig at 7cf2cbb33ef34c1d211135f56d30fe23b6cacd42 · ziglang/zig.
General-purpose programming language and toolchain for maintaini...
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