A new PostgreSQL blog post/announcement has been posted!
Get the full details here: PostgreSQL: pg_anonymize, a new extension for simple and transparent data anonymization
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For this new edition of the best-selling Learn to Program, Chris Pine has taken a good thing and made it even better. First, he used the ...

I know that -t flag is used along with -i flag for getting an interactive shell. But I cannot digest what the man page for docker run com...

Why, if your answer is yes?

It's easier to learn how to program a computer than it has ever been before. Now everyone can learn to write programs for themselves—no p...

More cool tech inspired by <span class="hashtag-icon-placeholder"></span>erlang :nerd_face:
By combining the fault-tolerance and massiv...

Are there any good resources of using CQRS/EventSourcing in an Elixir/Phoenix application?

A new Rust blog post/announcement has been posted!
Get the full details here: Announcing Rust 1.53.0 | Rust Blog

Create efficient, elegant software tests in pytest, Python's most powerful testing framework.
Brian Okken @brianokken
Edited by Kat...

Deep Learning with Python, Second Edition is a comprehensive introduction to the field of deep learning using Python and the powerful Ker...

Hello folks! We had a pretty fun thread here around the same time last year - talking about Advent of Code problems. That also happened t...
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If it’s a mechanical keyboard, which switches do you have?
Would you recommend it? Why?
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Pics always w...

Let’s get real. As in really knowing—clearly and practically—what’s up with Phoenix LiveView.
What is it?
How does it work?
What can I ...

What chair do you have while working… and why?
Is there a ‘best’ type of chair or working position for developers?

SpaceVim seems to be gaining in features and popularity and I just wondered how it compares with SpaceMacs in 2020 - anyone have any thou...

Curious to know which languages and frameworks you’re all thinking about learning next :upside_down_face:
Perhaps if there’s enough peop...

If you are experiencing Rails console using 100% CPU on your dev machine, then updating your development and test gems might fix the issu...

Author Spotlight
Dmitry Zinoviev
Today we’re putting our spotlight on Dmitry Zinoviev, author of Data Science Essentials in ...

If you want a quick and easy way to block any website on your Mac using Little Snitch simply…
File > New Rule:
And select Deny, O...

Author Spotlight:
VM Brasseur
We have a treat for you today! We turn the spotlight onto Open Source as we sit down with V...

Will Swifties’ war on AI fakes spark a deepfake porn reckoning?
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