Apple Game Frameworks and Technologies (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
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The title on page 95 says:
Use Variables to Monitor Game States
The first sentence after that title says:
In a game like Gloop Drop, y...

Pages 89-90 references the Info.plist in the project. That no longer is include when a user creates a project with the Sprite Kit templat...

Page 163 says:
Alternatively, you can use the class name instead, like this:
player = childNode(withName: “Player”) as? Pl...
Most Active Over Three Years

Working through the steps (checking that the Info,plist matches exactly), run the demo game and what appears is grey but does not fill th...

Just a heads up that in Xcode 12 the path for creating a Sprite Atlas is:
(In the chapter “Add the Images Resources for the Player”)....

The code to add the monster entity to the scene’s entity array (so that the generator-spawned monsters get component updates) in chapter ...

On page 62, right after the code snippet for func drop(dropSpeed: TimeInterval, floorLevel: CGFloat), is this line:
Here, you’re settin...

On page 149 (of Beta 3) is this code to add a glow effect to the gloop droplets:
// Add glow effect
let effectNode = SKEffectNode()

On page 86 is this line of code:
self.physicsBody?.contactTestBitMask = PhysicsCategory.player
| Ph...

Please use the following format for the title of this thread (then simply delete/replace this text with the content for the thread):

Title: Apple Game Frameworks and Technologies: Dungeon tiles not “there” for Scenes 2 & 3 (page 361)
When I copy over

Title: Apple Game Frameworks and Technologies: Need to add PhysicsComponent to Val (Chapter 12)
After working through the code in Chapte...

Title: Apple Game Frameworks and Technologies: Tweaking the Miss Routine (no removeFromParent) (page 146)
Shouldn’t the actionGroup for ...

At the bottom of page 85 is this info box:
By default, integer literals are expressed in decimal using the numbers 0 through 9. However...

On page 54, in the Next Steps section, sprite is misspelled ‘spite’.

On page 115 is this text:
Add a new property named playingLevel to the GameScene class, and give it a default value of false:
var pla...

Apple Game Frameworks and Technologies - BodySize and Offsets do not work properly if player is outside of the dungeon tiles. (page 236) ...
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