Apple Game Frameworks and Technologies (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
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Title: Apple Game Frameworks and Technologies: Collision Detection page 84
Hi everyone,
In the code, I changed the coordinates of the f...

Title: Apple Game Frameworks and Technologies: Scrolling background (page 120-124)
I have the code implemented and double checked with t...
Most Active Over Three Years

Title: Name of book: Apple Game Frameworks and Technologies: Show the Game Center Dashboard failing (page 383…)
At the risk of embarrass...

How can I make sure the the xcproj example files are safe? And contain no harmful software when running in Xcode

I am having a problem adding the Health Meter for the player in valsrevenge. I’m using Xcode 12. As instructed. I am using the Componen...

Title: Apple Game Frameworks and Technologies: currentPlayer = nil (page 412)
Given my recent track record on my problem posts, I would ...

Title: Name of book: Apple Game Frameworks and Technologies (Chapter 5 “die” animation)
Not an errata that I can tell so far…
I’m at th...

Title: Apple Game Frameworks and Technologies: Val’s revenge background doesn’t fill screen (page 163)
OK, I’m stumped… I’ve been throug...

Does anyone have access to the resource folder? Can’t find it anywhere. I can’t continue without using the assets

Xcode: Version 13.1 (13A1030d)
MacOS: 11.6.1 (20G224)
I’m stuck for a while waiting for my Apple Developer account to get approved. Alt...

@Paradox927 - Just curious to know how you came up with 255 when calculating the speed, on page 60 in the PDF.
let calculatedSp...

In the paragraph that begins “Switch to the GameScene.sks file” I am clearly doing something wrong. When I right-click on the controller ...

First, I want to thank @Paradox927 Tammy. This is a great book, and I’m having a ball going through it.
In the “Setting up the Physics B...

Title: Apple Game Frameworks and Technologies: backcourt.rawValue + 1 (page 148)
Isn’t this:
banner.zPosition = Layer.background.rawVal...

On page 143 is this code:
// Add the 'chomp' text at the player's position
let chomp = SKLabelNode(fontNamed: "Nosifer&...

Title: Name of book: description (page number)
Why isn’t:
if let localPlayer = gameCenterData?.getLocalPlayer() {
if let index = game...

On Chapter 2. Adding Animation and Movement with Actions • 50
the distance is calculated using the Hypotenuse.
let distance = ...
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