Hands-on Rust (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
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It appears that impl GameState { … fn advance_level(&mut self) {} strong textshould bestrong text impl State, not impl GameState… In ...

Copying the example code from GitHub - thebracket/HandsOnRust: The source code that accompanies Hands-on Rust: Effective Learni...

Hoping someone can point me in the right direction here: I’m working through the book Hands-On Rust and have just written the c...

Hello @herbert ! Trying to get the very first “Hello, Bracket Terminal!" example to run (p. 53). I develop on an Amazon EC2 instance...

Title: Hands-on Rust: monster pyramids due to simultaneous movement (page 157)
Hi @herbert ,
The explanation on the random movement sys...

Hi @herbert,
If I use set_active_console(0) and set_active_console(1) in the render functions for Player and Map (like in the book), I o...

Flappy Dragon Example:
Sync this code, and then copy the flappy_dragon director into another outside of the HandsOnRust tree ...

Hands on Rust: Effective Learning through 2D Game Development and Play
Page 48
Cargo.toml file in book:
name = "hello_b...

Finished the book. Also did the bonus content of compiling to wasm and running in a browser (which is just an amazing capabilit...

While converting to data driven spawning the data specifies that an item (like a dungeon map) has a frequency of 1.
However, when they a...
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Rust is an exciting new programming language combining the power of C with memory safety, fearless concurrency, and productivity boosters...

Hello @herbert ! Trying to get the very first “Hello, Bracket Terminal!" example to run (p. 53). I develop on an Amazon EC2 instance...

Hi @herbert,
If I use set_active_console(0) and set_active_console(1) in the render functions for Player and Map (like in the book), I o...

Copying the example code from GitHub - thebracket/HandsOnRust: The source code that accompanies Hands-on Rust: Effective Learni...

It appears that impl GameState { … fn advance_level(&mut self) {} strong textshould bestrong text impl State, not impl GameState… In ...
Most Active Last Three Years

Hi, I need some help, I’m new to rust and was learning through your book. but I got stuck at the last stage of distribution. Whenever I t...

Title: Hands-On Rust (Chapter 11: prefab)
Just played a couple of amulet-less games. With a bit of debugging, I believe that your can_p...

When running the program in chapter 8, “Implementing Combat”, the printout Health before attack was never printed so I assumed something ...

Hoping someone can point me in the right direction here: I’m working through the book Hands-On Rust and have just written the c...

Hands on Rust: Effective Learning through 2D Game Development and Play
Page 48
Cargo.toml file in book:
name = "hello_b...

Flappy Dragon Example:
Sync this code, and then copy the flappy_dragon director into another outside of the HandsOnRust tree ...

In the part “Fill the Map With Walls” on page 90 it is stated that the iterator passes variable t inside the closure as referen...

Finished the book. Also did the bonus content of compiling to wasm and running in a browser (which is just an amazing capabilit...

On page 206 (Talking about P1.0) the trait MapArchitect is defined with the function ‘new’. In the last paragraph of this page the functi...

I don’t know the exact page unfortunately since I am reading it in an epub.
I am having trouble understanding what this code does and wh...

While converting to data driven spawning the data specifies that an item (like a dungeon map) has a frequency of 1.
However, when they a...

Again using epub so don’t know the exact page number.
In this snipped of code, what does the movers.iter_mut(ecs) line do in t...

I finally finished! I found a small typo in chapter 15 in the epub. In one spot the code mentions
impl Template {
pub fn spawn_enti...

Title: Hands-on Rust: monster pyramids due to simultaneous movement (page 157)
Hi @herbert ,
The explanation on the random movement sys...
Most Active Over Three Years

Title: Hands-On Rust (Chap 8 (Adding a Heads Up Display)
It looks like
.with_simple_console_no_bg(SCREEN_WIDTH*2, SCREEN_HEIGHT*2...

I’m new to Rust and am using this book to learn more as well as to feed my interest in game dev. I’ve just finished the flappy dragon exa...

The Pragmatic Bookshelf is having another crazy 50% off sale April 27 to May 6.
Enter coupon code FirstImpressions2021 at checkout to sa...

build fails on:
bracket-lib = “~0.8.1”
when running on Mac Mini M1 Rust version 1.5.0:
Compiling winit v0.22.2
error[E0308]: mi...

I completed chapter 6 but am getting the following error when running:
thread 'main' panicked at 'Failed to load textur...

Title: Hands-on Rust: question about get_component (page 295)
(feel free to respond. “You dug you’re own hole… good luck”)
I have somet...

After finishing the code at the end of Chapter 7 and running it, monsters sometimes don’t get destroyed on collision. Instead, the player...

Please use the following format for the title of this thread (then simply delete/replace this text with the content for the thread):

I get a significant glitch on my raspberry pi - there is a thin line to the left of the player that runs from the top of the screen to th...

Excellent book. I like it very much. Just a few questions that occurred to me while reading the pathfinding section in Chapter 9 on page ...

In the “Prompting for the Visitor’s Name” section, contextually, the reader has just created the treehouse project. As they look for a p...

MapBuilder doesn’t have new method.
MapBuilder::new -> MapBuilder::build

In the end of chapter 7 we write the movement function in movement.rs
We call the camera on_player_move method like so:

On page 140 we change the initialization code of the dungeon crawler to be able to use graphics
As with other code examples before th...

First of all, sorry for not providing a pagenumber, but I don’t know it, since I’m reading the book on Medium.
To my problem: I hav...
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