Hands-on Rust (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
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It appears that impl GameState { … fn advance_level(&mut self) {} strong textshould bestrong text impl State, not impl GameState… In ...
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Title: Hands-On Rust (Chapter 11: prefab)
Just played a couple of amulet-less games. With a bit of debugging, I believe that your can_p...

In the part “Fill the Map With Walls” on page 90 it is stated that the iterator passes variable t inside the closure as referen...

On page 206 (Talking about P1.0) the trait MapArchitect is defined with the function ‘new’. In the last paragraph of this page the functi...
Most Active Over Three Years

Title: Hands-On Rust (Chap 8 (Adding a Heads Up Display)
It looks like
.with_simple_console_no_bg(SCREEN_WIDTH*2, SCREEN_HEIGHT*2...

After finishing the code at the end of Chapter 7 and running it, monsters sometimes don’t get destroyed on collision. Instead, the player...

Please use the following format for the title of this thread (then simply delete/replace this text with the content for the thread):

I get a significant glitch on my raspberry pi - there is a thin line to the left of the player that runs from the top of the screen to th...

MapBuilder doesn’t have new method.
MapBuilder::new -> MapBuilder::build

In the end of chapter 7 we write the movement function in movement.rs
We call the camera on_player_move method like so:

The call to map_idx on the render function of map (let idx = map_idx(x, y) ; ) caused error ‘error[E0425]: cannot find function map_idx i...

A few more notes. I tried to remove duplicates that others have already posted. Hopefully these are new.

The description for a while loop is inverted. It currently reads “run the enclosed code until x evaluates to true” it should either be “w...

➾ cargo run
❮ Hello, what’s your name?
➾ Bert
❮ Welcome to the Treehouse, Bert
Bert should be lowercase on the output (after Treehous...

When introducing the camera, compilation errs as the change to the map’s render method is not reflected in src/main.rs, if just following...

Hi, on page 25 in the Trimming Input section, after this text:
“You can see this by replacing your last println! call with the following...

Looks like Legion 0.3.0 is not compiling with Rust 1.49.0.
Legion 0.3.1 appears OK so far.

The very top of pg. 83 is a seemingly stray:
impl Map {
It’s preceded and followed by map implementation pieces, so perhaps it’s just a...

If you copy/paste the second TOML snipped with features, there are two issues:
It’s presented as multi-line, but TOML doesn’t support m...
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