Hands-on Rust (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
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Hello @herbert ! Trying to get the very first “Hello, Bracket Terminal!" example to run (p. 53). I develop on an Amazon EC2 instance...

Hi @herbert,
If I use set_active_console(0) and set_active_console(1) in the render functions for Player and Map (like in the book), I o...
Most Active Last Three Years

Hi, I need some help, I’m new to rust and was learning through your book. but I got stuck at the last stage of distribution. Whenever I t...

When running the program in chapter 8, “Implementing Combat”, the printout Health before attack was never printed so I assumed something ...

Hands on Rust: Effective Learning through 2D Game Development and Play
Page 48
Cargo.toml file in book:
name = "hello_b...

I don’t know the exact page unfortunately since I am reading it in an epub.
I am having trouble understanding what this code does and wh...

Again using epub so don’t know the exact page number.
In this snipped of code, what does the movers.iter_mut(ecs) line do in t...

I finally finished! I found a small typo in chapter 15 in the epub. In one spot the code mentions
impl Template {
pub fn spawn_enti...
Most Active Over Three Years

I’m new to Rust and am using this book to learn more as well as to feed my interest in game dev. I’ve just finished the flappy dragon exa...

build fails on:
bracket-lib = “~0.8.1”
when running on Mac Mini M1 Rust version 1.5.0:
Compiling winit v0.22.2
error[E0308]: mi...

Title: Hands-on Rust: question about get_component (page 295)
(feel free to respond. “You dug you’re own hole… good luck”)
I have somet...

Excellent book. I like it very much. Just a few questions that occurred to me while reading the pathfinding section in Chapter 9 on page ...

Hi there! I’ve finished the book last Friday. Good work! It’s a very good introduction to Rust and I really enjoyed it.
I have noticed t...

Fantastic book! Question:
On page 97, when building a BTerm, why is it necessary to specify the terminal’s dimensions in two ways: ...

Most rust tutorials use cargo new. Why do you prefer cargo init?

Title: Hands-On Rust (Chapter 10: Iterating Away the Chaos)
in the iteration function, why is it necessary to return a clone of new_tile...

As a Rust beginner I felt confused about Looping Until You Call Break / Adding New Vector Entries page 36. The body of the main()...

I am finding that when I run the completed Flappy Dragon project, one of my cpu cores is pinned. It seems like we are running the simulat...

Title: Hands-On Rust (Chapter 11 : Test Harnesses)
I understand the point of the test harness, but the aside left me scratching my head ...

Notice that the syntax is different here. Structs can also be tuples. If you only have one piece of information to store inside a struct,...
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