Hands-on Rust (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
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In the “Prompting for the Visitor’s Name” section, contextually, the reader has just created the treehouse project. As they look for a p...

On page 140 we change the initialization code of the dungeon crawler to be able to use graphics
As with other code examples before th...

I’ve caught up with B4.0. Quite enjoying it! I ran into a couple of “bugs” in the dungeon crawler game logic. I’ll point out what I am se...

Title: Hands-On Rust (End of chapter 7)
the query to acquire movers is changed to add Entity (that seems obvious), but point was changed...

In the flappy bird example in the book, the example code uses i32 as the type for the player’s y position. This has a possible unintended...

Hey All,
In the last section of Chapter 2 talking about Enums we are missing an explanation on how to initialize the Vector entries with...

First, I’m quite enjoying the book. This has been my favorite resource so far that I’ve found for rust. Most of the tiny errors I noticed...

Title: Hands-On Rust (??? ePub)
Just finished the map_builder section. Just a suggestion here (others may disagree). This felt like th...

I think it would be beneficial to shortly explain how the “screen-space coordinates” work or that the proposed system is some sort of sim...

DRY stands for “Don’t Repeat Yourself”
“Do not repeat yourself” would be DNRY.

Title: Hands-on Rust:
Always found the RGB::named(…) thing to be a bit verbose. Then I noticed that one of your examples just used WHIT...

Title: Hands-On Rust: (Chapter 9)
Feel free to ignore as this is more about game play experience.
I noticed, on my first test of acquir...

Title: Hands-On Rust (Chapter 11)
When I reached the code *dist < &std::f32::MAX, I had to stop a second to remember what tha...

Title: Hands-On Rust (Chapter 10)
This has been bugging me a bit since coding it, so I tried the change and it seems to work.
Isn’t it ...

Probably too obvious for developers with experience, stating that vistor_list should be left outside the loop instead of wrapping it in t...
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