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Hi! What books you recommend for mid/advanced level about iOS Development?

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Wondering if anyone has any thoughts on choosing between these two languages for WebAssembly? I definitely want to explore wasm, and rea...
Hey, I love Regex, letting my kids slaming the keyboard until finding the good regex to do the job has always been a source of joy and p...

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Which WebAssembly language/s interest you? I just discovered AssemblyScript (portal | thread) which looks interesting! Here are some of...
Seen any cool WebAssembly games? Please share them here :nerd_face:
Since a few of us seem to be interested in learning Swift, I wondered what languages or frameworks people are (or thinking about) pairing...
And I wrote a review of it. Great job, @Paradox927! It’s a huge topic, but you did great IMO. I really enjoyed it. :+1:t2:
Hello game developers. I’m an editor at The Pragmatic Bookshelf. I have a book by our own Tammy Coron on Native Apple Game Development wi...
First poster: bot
Swift Concurrency Roadmap. A PR with this document can be found here Swift Concurrency Roadmap Our goal is to make concurrent programm...
Apple’s Swift has far-reaching effects on all platforms, not just iOS, OS X, watchOS, and tvOS. Learn why Swift matters, how to use the p...


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