Effective Haskell (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
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Both module statements in the code examples on pp. xvii and xviii in the Introduction (“Following Along with Example Cod...

On page 198, when phantom types are introduced, when listing other changes to the code example at hand, also this necess...

The book seems to be missing an import statement like
λ import HaskellBook.Examples.Introduction.CreatingModules (Name ...

the (<>) operator would get passed to the function show instead of
the string we get back when we say show 1.
I think it should ...

Missing out an i in associativity — associatvity.

On p.61 in Chapter 2, the following is described as finding “the sum of the first ten odd numbers”:
λ (foldr (+) 0 . fi...

Title: Effective Haskell - Kindle Edition
Chapter: 1 Section: Precedence, Operators, and Fixity
In the first expression, ((((((add add)...

Currently, it is:
sumOfUniques n = foldr (add n) (additiveIdentity n) . unique n
It should be:
sumOfUniques n = ...

At the bottom of page 31 when let is added to the example greeting I cannot get the example to work. I’ve tried rechecki...

Effective Haskell:Chapter 13 (B9 - PDF version) - infinite loop when running the ClassyArchiver code
Refer to pages 508-511
I get an infinite loop when running the original parseArchive function, after adding a variable called "archiveD...
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Missing out an i in associativity — associatvity.

the (<>) operator would get passed to the function show instead of
the string we get back when we say show 1.
I think it should ...

On page 198, when phantom types are introduced, when listing other changes to the code example at hand, also this necess...

The book seems to be missing an import statement like
λ import HaskellBook.Examples.Introduction.CreatingModules (Name ...

Both module statements in the code examples on pp. xvii and xviii in the Introduction (“Following Along with Example Cod...
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Author Spotlight
Rebecca Skinner
Welcome to our latest author spotlight, where we sit down with Rebecca Skinner, auth...

Thanks you for this beautiful book.
Chapter 8 - p.317 3rd paragraph from the bottom
If you build your application and ...

In toCsv (ePub p 157, dropLeadingComma will leave a leading space. In the case statement, the first case is ‘,’:s’ → s’ and it should be ...

page 141. calculator.
I suggest you explain a little more about why you introduced the Left and Right types in the Cal...

“You’ll notice that in all of the examples so far, we’ve created lists that only contain numbers” - this is incorrect, one of the first e...

In Effective Haskell Chapter 11 (~ p 410 in ePub), when creating the Encode and Decode instances for String, pack and un...

Effective Haskell Chapter 8
getTerminalSize (Epub p 243) used pure in the case statement and return in the definition of tputScreenDime...

Defining Functor for Either Section (p. 270 ff ePub):
The discussion of the kind error seems as thought kinds have not been introduced ...

Allright, so I have put all of the example code for Calculator in chapter 4 on page ~140 in a file and when loading it ...

In beta 9.0
A small typo near the bottom of p83:
“but it there are some extra moving parts”
Probably"it" should be dr...

Hi @RebeccaSkinner,
In for example the Calculator segment of chapter 4, if I run the examples in GHCI this error is returned:
λ: Ad...

In the description of the algorithm for truncateStatus, the third bullet says “If the length of the status line is longer than the displa...

Please use the following format for the title of this thread (then simply delete/replace this text with the content for the thread):

In the “Creating New Variables” section of Chapter 1, it says that you can’t reassign variables once defined. But new Ha...

This is just a general note on UI and helping with the book.
pragprog should make it easier for me as user to edit my erratas/suggestion...
Most Active Over Three Years

Build efficient applications that exploit the unique benefits of a pure functional language, learning from an engineer who uses Haskell t...

Title: Effective Haskell - Example doesn’t work (page 8)
Middle of page 8 says: "Create a new Main.hs and copy the example below to get ...

“Much of this {difficult~>difficulty} is due to the complexity inherent in modern systems. ”
“Today, software needs to do more things...

At the beginning of the Composing Functions subsection in Chapter 1 it says: “You’ve already done this kind of implicit function composit...

Functions that accept arguments in any order are called “commutative”, not “associative”. Note that this is mentioned twice in the same p...

At the end of “Depending on Other Files” (ePub p 153), it says “In the next section you’ll learn the basics of Haskell’s syntax and gramm...

To be more concise and minimize the number of threads, I grouped the suggested corrections into one post.
A few notes on how I structure...

In Chapter 8, (Viewing Text One Page at a Time), when defining groupsOf, it says we should use a polymorphic type in the type signature, ...

The addPeano function switches the arguments in the recursive call. The implementation should be:
addPeano Z b = b
addPeano (S a) b = a...

To be more concise and minimize the number of threads, I grouped the suggested corrections into one post.
A few notes on how I structure...

In the “Functions as Data Types” section of Chapter 4 (ePub p 113), the takeDigits parser is introduced as “we could take some digits fro...

In the “Filtering List Elements” section, the party budget function is first called “foodBudget” and all subsequent reference are “partyB...

On page 19, the last line of the guard clause code snippet:
| otherwise = “that’s an unfathomalbly big number”
has “unfathomably” missp...

Title: Effective Haskell - lambda example would help (pages 8-9)
At the bottom of page 8 and the top of page 9 lambdas are described. I ...

The discussion of why 1 'div' 0 isn’t evaluated in lazyIODemo (ePub p 214) could be expanded. The rationale (don’t want to read an entire...
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